Seems with all that’s going on this year, I’m having trouble focusing on any of my own projects.
Luckily, there’s a round of BAM conversations to distract me. It’s been especially nice to spend a little time with a new fabric palette each month and figure out what I want to ‘say’ within that context.
For February, I’m intrigued by A’s print choices. Jewel-toned diamonds, graphic flowers and purple! Well, I like purple.Once I decide to use pink kitties as my signature fabric, I make my Half Square Triangles with the Magic 8’s Method, which incidentally you can find here.
As I lay out my blocks they seem to work best along the right-hand side. Actually, one even creates an unexpected house motif. Along with my finish, here are a few of my favorite parts:
Did I mention that we’ve taken in a pair of fuzzy boarders? 😉
On to March!
I had the opportunity to distract myself with two conversations in one week!
First up, CC’s zippy little number. Besides my usual HST add, I tried a little curved piecing and wound up with something like an arrow. Orange kitties frolicking in the pink floral print seem a perfect fit.
As the piece grows larger, additions become challenging. The easy option is to add in strips, so placement is key. Here are a couple versions for my addition where I tried my add along the left side and top/right side:
Then I notice how I can play off the blue triangles along the right side to create an extended chevron and although I leave the extra bits, everything falls into place.For C’s teal, beige an b/w convo, my second one this month, I pondered between teal and lime kitties. Then I remembered her saying she “just needed to ‘green’ it up” referring to a previous add she made, so lime it is!
I’ve started to ‘improv’ my HST’s and that teal is so striking, I ponder diagonal stripes. I also tried to wing around the corner, which seems to work out fine. One of my blocks utilizes the Paris map print and the Eiffel Tower give this chapter a title (pardon my French), “Oú a Paris es les chat?” Left is the start, right is my addition:
And with that, I’m rather satisfied. Thanks for following along!