Over Thanksgiving weekend, I folded my 1000th paper crane!
What a milestone!
Precision and focus, mindfulness and expansiveness were all at play each time I creased the paper, whether folding 6″, 3″ or 1.5″ cranes.
At some point, they became an alternate measure of time. I folded paper cranes between two continents, in almost a dozen airports and train stations;
at restaurants, coffee houses & bars; during workshops, lectures, conferences; waiting for vet appointments, car tuneups & the plumber; and among friends, family (& pets), my dentist and perfect strangers!
I even instructed the folding techniques (while they folded their own crane) to several colleagues, my 5- & 9-yr old nieces and a curious barkeep.
And I didn’t just finish, I managed to catch up and complete this endeavor by my original target date. That is truly the amazing part of this accomplishment! In short, it means that I had to make this happen consistently over time, not just in the eleventh hour. When I was behind by 150 cranes in April (and still 100 behind in September), I couldn’t just throw in the towel and shrug it off to another year. I had to persevere even when I wasn’t sure I could catch up. And so, by not giving up, by just folding and not dwelling on the past, I completed by goal!
Now, my fondest wish can be granted, as long as I keep all my cranes. Funny, I’m not interested in that part. Perhaps instead, it’s time to send them out into the world. Spread the love & peace & gratitude. We could all use a little more peace in our lives.