Quilty UFOs

Late March, I took a ‘create fabric using curved piecing’ workshop at the last minute. I’ve never tried to sew curves (intentionally) before and this seemed like it might be new and exciting.

There were 4 techniques for ‘creating fabric’ and we started right in with the curved piecing. Choose 4 fabrics; layer them and freehand cut 3 curves. Shuffle them and sew your blocks. Stack and repeat cutting 3 more freehand curves the opposite direction; then shuffle and piece together. So here’s my first block. Oops! It came out perfect. I don’t think I could have matched the corners so well if I tried! Weird; I was supposed to offset the pieces and to make it more interesting. To remedy this, it was suggested that I add in a fifth fabric. Hmm, the other three blocks are slightly more fun with their blue/with stripes. Now do I make a throw quilt or 4 pillows? The peanut gallery says pillows!

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